Dentures : All on 4, Snap on, and Traditional

Dentures Plano Texas

A denture is one of the many options for replacing an entire set of teeth. It consists of a custom-made plate of acrylic with custom-made teeth that you wear to replace your teeth. Pristine Smiles Dental provides personalized denture treatment that meets your needs and comfort level.


Traditional Dentures: Traditional dentures are held in by suction or a small amount of adhesive.

Implant-Supported Dentures: Dentures can be combined with implants in various ways to allow them to snap in and out, or even be permanently fixed in your mouth.

DENTURES AT Pristine Smiles

The process of making a traditional denture at our dental office takes around five appointments. They consist of impressions and various measurements to customize the dentures to have the correct function and aesthetics to allow you to eat and speak normally. You will be heavily involved in the final checks for cosmetics, comfort, and function.


Well-fit dentures should allow for the eating of most foods. The main food restrictions are avoiding anything extremely hard and crunchy, and biting hard things with your front teeth. The denture and teeth are made of reinforced acrylic material, but things like ice and hard nuts can break a denture. Also, if you have a traditional denture, biting into something like an apple can dislodge the denture and make it pop loose.

Denture hygiene is also vital to maintain the health of your mouth. You need to remove your dentures every night and not sleep in them. This prevents any overgrowth of natural bacteria and fungus in your mouth or on the denture. We recommend cleaning your denture with either a commercial denture cleaning or any kind of liquid soap. Also, soak your denture overnight in a commercial denture cleaner at least once a week.


Full-mouth reconstruction, full-mouth rehabilitation, and full-mouth restoration are terms often used interchangeably to describe the process of rebuilding or restoring all of the teeth in both the upper and lower jaws simultaneously. Your dentist, who has years of experience working with the materials and procedures related to full-mouth reconstruction, will develop a plan that addresses all your needs and will leave you with a perfect smile, ideal bite, and optimal function.

You may be a candidate for full-mouth reconstruction if:

  • Your teeth have been lost due to decay or trauma
  • Your teeth have been injured or fractured
  • Your teeth have become severely worn because of long-term acid erosion (from foods, beverages, or acid reflux)
  • You have ongoing jaw, muscle, or headache pain related to your bite

The extent of your reconstruction will depend on the condition of your teeth. Your dentist may recommend crowns, bridges, veneers, or implants to restore your smile to its best possible condition. He or she will also address the state of your gum tissue, as the health of your gums may impact the type of restorations you receive.

Your treatment plan will entail a step-by-step process detailing all aspects of your reconstruction. The duration of your treatment will depend on the extent of work needed, but in the end, it will all be worth it. Your teeth, mouth, and smile will be healthy and beautiful for the rest of your life.